Monday, July 20, 2009

Penalty For Closing Edward Jones Account

In the work we are dealing with the most references, the parts of the anatomy are more loaded with meaning systematically rejected, those common places of figuration are not conducive to develop its plastic content.
the limits of conventional paint are provided by the very field of representation, Rose would rather place them in the outline of his whimsical figures are the product of memory and imagination. Within this preserve, the anatomy, developed his pictorial discourse, moreover, that his paintings around this cold and judiciously resolved.

(excerpts) Gabriel Fernández
In the old house, May 2002

In the work Before Us The Most referential, parts of the anatomy more laden with Significance Are Rejected These commonplace of systematically figuration Are Not Conducive to developing their plastic content.

Moreover the limits of conventional paint are provided by the very field of representation, Rosas would rather put them in the outline of her whimsical figures that are the product of memory and imagination. Within that box, the anatomy, develops his pictorial discourse, moreover, that his art around, this cool or judiciously resolved.

(extracts) Gabriel Fernandez
In the old house, May 2002


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