Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bridal Floral Bouquets Cost

2 .- Analysis. What's in Cali?

Effective action
collective USC

An increasing number of students and teachers work together with one mind in Open Assembly. This is the best way to counter the ineffectiveness of the current High Council. The students and faculty understand that the only thing that saves the USC is the urgent democratization.

By Ildebrando Arévalo Osorio. (*)

Important events of November 3, initiated by students of the Faculty of Law in response to threats by a local radio station of President of the Supreme Council, Javier Barreto fulminant expel participants of the protest last week, had effects very positive to awaken the tradition of participatory democracy and collective action of the estates Santiago.

Rumors of a disproportionate rise in enrollment were the glue of different problems, that the passage of the Assembly were emerging and identifying student disaffection among students from different faculties. For example, medical students reported the overcrowded classes and practice with patients, eight of them are harassing a patient by the poor planning of the activity, obtaining educational results regrettable, the Advertising complained that the software programs they use are outdated with respect to which Advertising companies use in their everyday life, the design software program is underutilized high resolution by a teacher working Excel, Word and Power Point; the engineering that do not have enough seats, who arrives late must go to other classrooms to look , etc.

Assembly biestamentaria became, for the teachers also participated. Teachers accused the administration to withhold money from health, pension and protection risks they and their families are expelled from health systems, research products are not published for lack of funds for books and magazines, their trade associations are also victims of arbitrary detention of their contributions.

analyzing the causes of the crisis came two explanations. One of them, from the students and teachers: the perverse model with which it degenerated democracy Santiago and created a High Council, CS, with over 130 members, consisting of a silent majority that only becomes talkative to give the roller up the votes for the administration and to mute with "sufficient material" discussions that really affect the general interest of the estates and the tiny minority Santiago deliberative. The perversity of the model metastasizes to the patronage that inflated the payroll to ensure the influence of the Administration by appointing friends and organized circus, as ah doc holidays for students, when their active sectors manifest, although there is financial crisis.

The other argued by the President of the CS and the Head of Human Resources: the large budget deficit is the fault of the "1,400" teachers and the collective agreement on how resources are redistributed in salaries and bonuses ; ie those who actually generate wealth in classes, fieldwork, laboratories, in the writing of research products and obtaining records of quality of academic programs are those that break the university.

After more than a year of managing the current Board, with a rhetoric that increasingly deviates more the words of things, from the dark night of the excesses of management sees a glimmer of hope. An increasing number of students and teachers work together with one purpose in Open Assembly. This is the best way to counter the ineffectiveness of the current High Council. The students and teachers understand the only thing that saves the USC is the urgent democratization.

(*) Professor, Member of Supreme Council of the USC.


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