Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots Cancun

5 .- Opinion. The perversion of regional policy

The threat of patronage

certainly in cities like Pereira, Armenia, Manizales, etc., the value of voting will be expensive to unemployment, informality and poverty, a vicious cycle that eventually will reward candidates who are covered in more money, from whatever source.

By Carlos Alfonso Victoria M. (*)
patronage has been the path that has led to the destruction of institutions from all types of mafias. Para-politics is a prime example. The recent allegations of electoral risk EOM is a further warning about the power machines and an association of criminals, which have become some political factions. According to the Electoral Observation Mission, 1 in 4 voters know someone who has sold his vote. (Http://www.moe.org.co/webmoe)

In the regional context, is a throwback inoculated into the marrow of a company governed by chiefs and bosses. In the present, "a society of lords ..." and not leaders themselves, as someone could teach in social networks. The fact is that patronage is the essence of a political culture associated with hunting revenue, and illustrated by commoners, businessmen and laborers. The social contract is mediated by ambitions which dilutes the public nature of the state and what seems.
patronage has historically been a bunch of social inclusion, to the shameful discrimination and inability of the model to redistribute income. The culture of "leverage" and the sponsor have replaced the mechanisms for citizen participation and opportunities for all. Political practices are associated with the field of shortcuts evil, loyalty, favoritism, etc.., Leading to an ivy that wraps it all: the Polimafia , a sort of illicit arrangements, to say the teacher Gambetta (2010) between parties and criminals, including white collar.

customer networks today are the basis of political power, with public, private and unlawful and therefore the masters of electoral capital played under the rationality of politics as a single market for votes, as is well argued in his studies Professor Adam Przeworski. Our choices are not truly competitive or fair or violate any canon that is respected in the legal context of representative democracy. It is to this reality that faces a vote in conscience, free vote against the vote captured, bought, sold, and prostituted.

On the eve of the commemoration of 20 years of the 1991 Constitution, one of the many unfulfilled promises of the Constitution has been to transform the customer in city that our society will process their disputes and claims in terms of rights, not the circus of favors. However, the traditional political class sat on the local board, making democracy reengineering customers (F. GutiƩrrez, 2007). Participatory democracy today is a salute to the flag, because when looking for substantive decisions dispute is stigmatized with "disturbing public order ...."

In the last presidential election vote-buying for the current president is expressed in many ways: recruitment of children of "leaders" in poor neighborhoods (Villa Santa Ana); promise of subsidies to community mothers; money in cash (voting to $ 20,000); markets in return for submitting passwords, etc. These and other allegations were made public and the worst thing was not only the permissiveness of the authorities, but the absolute impunity by the control authorities to the allegations and evidence.

regional For populi is voice that campaigns are armed with money and not ideas, that the thesis program and have passed background. The first question that arises is "and how much the campaign?" Undoubtedly in cities such as Pereira, Armenia, Manizales, etc., the value of voting will be expensive to unemployment, informality and poverty, a vicious cycle that eventually will reward candidates who are covered in more money comes from which it originates.

According to Electoral Observation Mission, employment, corruption and human rights are the three key issues of concern to the residents of Pereira (research includes Manizales, Armenia and Ibague) . This data gives a valuable clue to what might happen in October this year, or if citizens choose freely and conscience, voting for parties and candidates who offer real economic opportunities, fight against corruption and respect for life.

Returning to Przeworski, let one of his reflections: "Being able to eat and speak, freedom from hunger and repression ... these are the basic values \u200b\u200bthat should characterize any modern democracy ..." because, among other things, the ideologues of regional patronage are surprised, upset and very worried because more and more citizens are freed from the clutches electioneering. We have to speak without fear in the land where the vote is worth one tamale, a shingle or a "God will pay ...."

(*) University professor.


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