Urge refounding Santiago the
* The new president should not be a continuation of the projection or an emissary of party U, the PIN, liberalism or conservatism ...
* The University Santiago de Cali needs to reform its pachydermal Superior Council, a body subservient to the dictates of the establishment.
* Required call for elections with a rule to ensure pluralism and to end the show for the millions on them.
* With the discrediting of the Superior Council relevance is the realization of a large assembly of students, faculty and alumni to discuss the future of the university.
By Luis Alfonso Mena S. (*)

is not enough to the resignation of the rector, Hebert Celin Navas, took place on Wednesday 23 February as a result of the protest students and teachers who point to the failure of demand management and clarity on the alleged irregularities in the institution.
Urge trial of responsibilities on him and his management team, as well as on the Supreme Council, whose members, with very few exceptions, have been submissive to their opinions.
In Santiago there is a status quo, a place full of vices, politics, patronage and disheveled to be transformed with the participation of the entire university community.
Rectory now occupies property can not be a new face to old vices. And aspirations rise from politicians sectors: the Uribe, the Most Holy, the party of the U, the PIN, conservatism, liberalism ... or from followers of Celine Navarro.
This sophistry and justifications are put forward on behalf of the many groups that college life is broken. Each fiefdom seeking contracts or notes adversaries small political reigns of opportunity, not the policy of full democracy.
The patronage calculations made by their representatives within and outside the university. The lust for power are evident. But Santiago stewardship requires legitimacy foolproof.
Teachers and staff are torn between fear, dissatisfaction and confusion. The directives, which are part of not a few teachers, growing power struggle with the resignation of the rector.
Students and teachers have been putting their fingers in the wounds of growing institution, held protests since Monday 21 February and led to a political event of great impact on USC. And all these, the Higher Council of the status quo appears abject, without autonomy, at the foot of the shift knob.
clear and poignant example of this was the session on Wednesday, January 26, 2011, when an overwhelming majority of its 121 members turned a deaf ear to the just demands of teachers time / Chair, to whom a I lowered the wage agreement by 21.5%.
The agency said the claim made fun of the teachers who demanded that the value of the time / chair will return to what existed in 2010 ($ 39,247) and the repeal of the decision reducing it to $ 30,800. The great "solution" was to raise it to $ 700!
must remember the circumstances that characterized the elections of this and other agencies' co-government "on September 9, 2009.
Those elections occurred in the midst of an inconceivable display of expensive campaigns, which outweighed the liquor and the rumba (as evidenced by the photos attached to this article, taken on the morning of September 10 2009).
That deployment millionaires spending does not match at all with the air of discretion and sobriety that an election must identify university.
why the call for early elections to be done for statutory reform that requires Santiago would have to be preceded by a regulation of campaign spending limits set and certify to the millimeter the transparency.
is one way to ensure, to some extent, produced the election of representative individuals, with leadership and proposals, not simple messengers of certain interests that attend Council meetings to lunch and to vote what they ordered.
Reducing the High Council, which now suffers from macrocephaly calculations derived from politicians, is not enough.
required rescue the spirit of co-government bodies: criticism, control and democratic decision that serves the entire university community and not the power groups that became perverted, and business centers.
In the present circumstances before the deep discredit the Superior Council, the University needs its revival.
for urgent triestamentaria a large assembly of teachers, students and alumni to discuss thoroughly the future of the institution would be the first of many steps in that direction.
The various actors and sectors with a seat in everyday alma mater has the floor.
(*) Director of the online magazine journalism Free! Parentheses and the campus newspaper. Professor University of Santiago de Cali.
Charts like these, captured in the main parking lot of the Universidad Santiago de Cali in the morning after election co-government bodies held on September 9, 2009, reflect management given to the campaigns within the institution. Not manage properly characterized by sobriety, as befits the academic field but the image and likeness of the national policy conference, made a million-dollar where they spread the liquor and partying. These behaviors should disappear from the alma mater. (Photos: Luis Alfonso Mena S.)
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