Thursday, March 3, 2011

Emt Accelerated Training Las Vegas

Cartier-Bresson "I have never ceased to be a child incapable of understanding the world "by Louise Bourgeois

I was drawn to art because of the difícilesconversaciones isolated me in my father bragged about how good and wonderful queer. And the bigger the figure intended to return, more insignificantesnos felt their children. I took a piece of white bread, mixed it and molding CONSAL a figure of my father. When I was done I started figure aamputarle members with a knife. I consider this my first soluciónpictórica. Was appropriate for the time and helped me. It was certainly a importanteexperiencia and found my address future.

One day, my father tortured us all with their stories, succinct. And suddenly, my mother, my brother and I rushed forThe to hit. For many years, I sleep with that image. Dreams, I imagine that my father devoured.

My works are a reconstruction of the past. They returned last Seha tangible, but at the same time they are created to elpasa forget to defeat it, to revive in memory and forgetfulness possible. Disable ALL days one has to abandon your past or accept it, and then, if not puedeaceptarlo, is a sculptor.

My sculpture allows me to re-experience elmiedo, give a physical entity, so I'm capazde removed. It allows me to re-experience the past, see it in susproporciones objective and realistic.

My childhood has never lost its magic, no mystery, no dramatic sudimensión. I never ceased to be a girl unable to entenderel world, but never I found one strong enough to accept comopara.

The architecture has to be an object of our memory. Cuandoevocamos when conjure the memory to make it clearer, apilamosasociaciones the same way that we stack bricks to build unedificio. The memory is a form of architecture.

Louise Bourgeois, France, 1911 -2000.
In the photo, Louise and her mother.
from 19 March, the Proa Foundation will present 75 works among them, one of his "Maman". Av Pedro de Mendoza 1929, Buenos Aires.


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