"I just came to see the garden died dondealguien
because of something that happened or did not come dealguien "
P MALL and barefoot on the branch,
prevented against I do not see.
So I'm in the picture, there still:
an owl at the nearby hill.
I keep alertness.
The garden is an orphan.
To leave a trail around the house
to night
still far from the door
where voices are serious.
We seek shelter from the vine
ceiling light blue grape.
At night I can smell the fear of my mother.
forth between the green I see dark water,
through the garden
reaches the entrance to the kitchen
and grows
up cover the table, the almanac.
still down the hall in a torrent
leaves home drowned itself
and garden without end, as the only land.
Sitting on the wall under the house
games and I guess I look at flowers:
something approaches.
A car slowly coming towards us always
as the snake that killed at Mt.
is a pause, the biggest
back to the porch.
The grapes were placed in the source.
rest my head on the lap of my mother.
I close my eyes, I learn to relax.
Glycine is real at this time uncertain.
She is in the open, as I
when I see the garden behind a veil
crossed the small door to see my father
I follow the sound of the soles on gravel roads
until the air steals my footsteps
still leaves me in a cold steam
waiting for signals.
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