Susana and elderly oil on canvas 85 x 77 cm. |
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Best Mid Range 5.1speakers
ISSUE No. 29
1. Analysis. Sale of 21.5% in the time / chair
In Santiago, teachers pay the piper
2. Complaint. What's in Social Communication at USC?
Urgent letter
3. Analysis. The political situation in 2011
The soporific Santos and social struggles
4. Analysis. Comparison of two cities
violence in Juarez and Cali
5. Test. Economy and Society (I)
What is globalization?
6. Report. Dismal record in 2010
Killed 40 Journalists in
six Latin American countries
7. News. What democratic security?
Colombia: Alarming numbers of
paramilitary crimes
8. Report. Unemployment here and there
Colombians Return
the economic crisis in Spain
Do Sharks Deserve Their Reputation?
1. Analysis. Sale of 21.5% in the time / chair
No proverb
In Santiago, teachers
pay the piper
pay the piper
Santiago The fine china broke. Do not just paste your pieces. Those responsible must be unmasked quebrazón. The Santiago urges renewal but really, not just a change for business as usual. circles were generated clienteles might be called "academic", in which small or large powers passed on the rights of teachers and employees of different levels and ignore merit and achievements and impose their decisions, anything to keep control without dissent. Required academic and administrative reform.
By Luis Alfonso Mena S. (*)
As they say the old, the string is broken by the weaker side.
more relevant to summarize what is happening in Santiago de Cali University, USC, concerning the search for solutions to the deep financial crisis, government administrative and shaking the institution.
One of the measures agreed between committees of the Directors of the USC and the Union of Alma Mater was lower by 21.5% in teachers' pay linked in Time / chair, which is a high percentage of the institution.
Thus, the time / chair went from $ 39,247 in 2010 to $ 30,800 in 2011. Besides, for three years after they agreed to never return slight increases in value when the amount of 2010.
The agreement, signed on December 21, 2012 states that the time / Chair will be paid to 31,800, in 2013, $ 32,800, and in 2014, to $ 34,000.
With this decision, including alongside other measures of adjustment seeks to address the high economic deficit of the institution.
The trouble is that the solution lies on the shoulders of most teachers, who are time / chair, as if they were responsible for the crisis. In this way, end up paying them other broke dishes.
In fact, the responsibility for the crisis lies elsewhere, who are just beginning to surface, including the administrative disheveled, patronage internal politicking and bleeding with recruitment works services and other areas.
For example, an audit report on the graduate school of the institution makes major revelations and shows not only the existence of a costly payroll with millionaire executive salaries, but some university leaders charging by separate annual fee of $ 20 million and $ 59 million in Master and specializations.
I found in the Audit Report to the Graduate Programs hateful showed a gap between a small group of executives with millions in fees and allowances and the rest, the vast majority who must fight, semester to semester, the allocation of courses to complete a minimum income.
But this is just one case among many. While it affects the salary of teachers in special contract or time / chair, which, again, are mostly of a list of over a thousand teachers, creating additional positions of heads of departments, agencies product of a recent reform.
They have the same functions of the directors of programs, positions, however, still exist in parallel, in a typical example of administrative disorder that costs a lot of money.
At the current juncture, the status of teachers is exacerbated further by the lack of social security that has confounded, as USC does not pay on time to the EPS, a circumstance which results in neglect and health risks and life for teachers and their families.
himself delay occurs in other areas, such as pensions, although the percentages for teachers are deducted from the allowances paid to them.
Teachers also agree with what was agreed in the Collective Bargaining Agreement in July 2010 but no longer receive a premium extra-legal, rather than two, which is another contribution of teachers in attempts to solve the institutional crisis.
City Heritage
The Cali is a sui generis college, because although no state-owned, not owned a typical empire, those in which higher education is a business that pays off a group of capitalists.
supposed to Santiago in the output of it is destined for redistribution in their academic development with an emphasis on scientific research, improvement of infrastructure and the welfare of one of its vital nerves, teachers.
She is a wealth of Cali that has helped train hundreds of thousands of people from low and middle strata around the Valle del Cauca, which highlights its social and individual characteristics which makes it subject to a greater collective control.
because I remember the above comments of some who believe that the problems of the institution should not be made public, believing that it hurts worse and the stigmas that affect it.
also argue that there is equal control over the other universities in the city, all without problems and the presence of irregularities and exclusions, as we have said on different scenarios.
However, the problems are not solved by plugging or watching the evils of neighbors much less in an institution such as the Santiago, with a larger budget than most municipalities in the Valley.
Especially because, as often happens when we refer to public resources, government, the Santiago is one, but at the same time no one, and this has created historically ambitions of newcomers and unscrupulous groups.
These have happened, have changed their names and dress, but have been there, making the institution as a modus vivendi, taking it as his property.
The clients "Academic"
why did recently run a phrase in the sense that James was driving "like a family," but not a large family, but opportunistic group that is woven to usufruct patronage networks at will, to gouge and take it to the brink of bankruptcy.
And in this environment also emerged all kinds of powers that fractionated into fiefdoms and plots the University to talk about that to this or that person is due for this or that space.
This is no stranger either to faculties, departments and other units in the that there are powers that feel all-embracing and unchanging, who defend their land as a result, require, pushed around and commit injustices.
These small or great powers spend on the rights of teachers and employees of different levels and ignore merit and achievements, dictate their decisions, all in order to maintain permanent control without dissent.
Thus, we have generated clienteles circles might be called "academic", in which beneficiaries must pay tribute to their leaders to ensure the renewal of contracts and not fall out of favor with their bosses.
So today is an ongoing debate on mechanisms to address the crisis that involves all levels of the institution within which debate questions download the effects of that crisis and its resolution on the shoulders of the weakest: the base professorial staff and workers and mid-range and low minimum wage, as has happened.
is not expected that the University has to close for "all matching", as some say, but you can easily consult the file in the "everyone does" are the hours teachers / professor who pay the most expensive pieces of crockery.
Among other things, we cut the salaries of workers labor law violation in Colombia and, especially, because many of those responsible for the disheveled continue as if nothing had happened.
latent Questions
are many questions which are to be resolved. The investigation of the causes of the crisis should be a priority, because not enough adjustments, grips, so that, as has happened on other occasions, the savings are again squandering and the crisis continues.
How much was, indeed, the reform of the frontispiece of the university? How much, the news that created the USC and went off the air? How the million dollar government advertising and the payment of "advisors"? How much, election bodies "co-government"? How the functioning of the Superior Council oversized?
How much did the many celebrations for 50 years and other holidays? How much, graduate school and its roster of directors and expensive fees? How much, air conditioners installed hoary in the building of Social Communication? ...
The questions are many more and in any case, it seems that the answer was in the professorial base, which now charges the bill.
The debate, unlike what they believe the old and recent supporters of "rayon and replace" is just beginning. Welcome. The reorganization of the University required.
problems are not fixed by plugging them and saying, as some: "When you do not like this, let him go." No gentlemen, this does not solve the problems USC.
The Supreme Council and other agencies should also be called cogobierno renovated and democratized, to fulfill their role and are not simply appendages of power.
His ineffectiveness in that serve as arenas of democratic debate and controversy is part of the origins of the crisis.
The discussion continues
student organizations, the Union of Teachers, the University Senate, cooperatives and similar agencies, newspapers and other media of expression circulating within the institution must have unrestricted access to all information about what happened, disseminate and promote discussion.
real democracy beyond formalities and propaganda, it must break through. It is time to decide, and she should be disseminated without censorship.
If Santiago is the heritage of the city, we are all interested and society must know what she is going. At Cali is accountable.
Santiago The fine china broke. Do not just paste your pieces. Those responsible for quebrazón should be unmasked.
The Santiago urges renewal, but renewal of truth, not just a change for business as usual.
In the hands of teachers, students and workers is their destiny.
(*) Professor of USC, director of the online magazine journalism Free! Parentheses and the campus newspaper.
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2. What's in Social Communication at USC?
Next is the text of the letter from Luis Alfonso Mena S., professor at the School of Communication at the Universidad Santiago de Cali, USC, and Director of Journalism FREE!, the Board and the Claims Committee of the Union Professors of the institution, Siprusaca, requesting his intervention to prevent deterioration of their employment status in this Faculty and denouncing the abuse of that has been targeted for some time.
Cali, Thursday January 20, 2011
Dear colleagues:
I inform you that at the time I finished writing this letter (9:00 pm), and the reformulation did not claim, I am contractually outside Santiago de Cali University , USC, as the Social Communication Faculty assigned to me only three hours / chair for the academic year 2011-A, instead of fifteen he had in the first half 2010-B. Three additional hours were completed with six, he actually belonged to another teacher and so I proceeded to return them.
Thus, according to the agreement of the Roundtable's December 21, 2010 signed between the Directorate of the University and the Commission of the Union, not achieving all six hours stipulated therein, is lost my right to a job order contract, a fact with which are unknown, also 14 years of uninterrupted work in training, day to day chair to chair, hundreds of students, many of whom now play in great detail in many different media and places not only in Colombia but in the world.
Paradoxically, symptomatic that this occurs just after the semester in which edited, with their own efforts, Decoding traces. Journalism mimeograph to cyberspace, a book that summarizes, among other things, my contribution to teaching journalism training in the universities where I worked. Also, after consolidation of the issue of the journal virtual Journalism Free!, exercise of academic production and ongoing communication. And besides, after No. 13, edited the school newspaper Bracket, independent journalism workshop development with emphasis that my students coordinate and caused them much discomfort a few at USC for the reports and serious questions and documents found on him about the deep crisis of Santiago. Bracket circulates through the efforts of teachers and their students without donations from the university, since 1999, when I took the orientation of the emphasis in Journalism.
As I can attest, in profusion, the deterioration of my association work at USC has been gradual and without any professional or academic justification, because, first, semester after semester course load have been lost and, secondly, I have been denied the possibility of contracting with stability to avoid the dramatic episode of having to claim from the beginning of each class period the assignment as if it were a newcomer to the Alma Mater or had no merit, especially since the Department School of Communication at the USC does not make any recognition - in practice, not words - of my path more than three decades of journalism, or my contribution to the communication program, or my humanistic education, now strengthened with expertise in history have just completed with the Universidad del Valle with a high GPA.
set Everything described an act of institutional abuse, in full disregard of the rights that protect them, especially if one takes into account the blanket immunity for making me part of the Claims Commission Siprusaca. The abuse has been setting up, as I said, some time ago and claims to the contrary, the Dean of the Faculty, Arturo Fernández Arenas, who, while talk to me after the general meeting of teachers of Humanities held on Wednesday 19 January, printed a document previously prepared by him, entitled "Case Luis Alfonso Mena", which made four attempts to justify the progressive deterioration of my situation work.
The said document also includes eight paintings with an incomplete for the hours I've given, as the Dean said he was unaware that I had taught in Journalism Emphasis for the new curriculum, in 2009-A, which effectively dictated chairs. This text is very strange the following statement the executive:
"As can be calm and defend our position is that under no circumstances has acted erratically with the teacher, nor have we had intended to worsen their condition .... " (Emphasis added.)
Before such confession raises several questions: Why and for whom the Dean of the Faculty of Communication at the USC was ready with an answer you have studied and written against some claims so far I had not made? Although he tries, unsuccessfully, to prove that I have not been downgraded, that statement is not an implicit admission that there is responsibility for the blatant and obvious deterioration of my situation? Is not it an advance to justify the unjustifiable? Why, since before I reclaim, and spoke of "defending our position," as if it were a war with the teacher? Why else are contractual possibilities of improvement based on merit, not on other considerations, they do not materialize for me?
The paper says no I wanted to participate in contests for office professorial-time, full time and part-time, which is false, because when it opened tenders for this purpose I was working in the El Pais newspaper and in correspondence with my ethical values, no could be in another post that implied a connection with time and place responsibilities over and above what they already had with the USC. After I left the country three years ago and two months, although several teachers were appointed, even without competition, in the ways mentioned above, I never had in mind for them, even though the directors of the Faculty had full knowledge of my available time and place since November 2007 and made me promises, unfulfilled, for improvement.
The Dean announced at the meeting of January 19, 2011 that auscultaría "other possibilities" of academic load for me that in any case, there would be equal to fifteen hours I had until the period 2010-B, nor would it be all in Cali, but include a few hours at the headquarters of Palmyra, with the implications of this for my pauper budget, it would have to incur costly travel expenses from the town of Jamundi, where I live, to the Villa de las Palmas.
Upon finishing the writing of this letter, I repeat, I'm out of USC because I have not received a response in the opposite direction of the Faculty of Social Communication.
One final thought: it is worrying that the Department is excluding teachers journalists, despite the support given by the American Council for Accreditation of Education in Journalism, Claep, was the result, largely high evaluation of this entity did Emphasis students to coordinate.
addition to what is happening me, for this semester were not called to give their help teachers Lisandro Pena, program director Dawn transmitted by the regional channel Telepacífico, and Oswaldo Paez, photo editor of the newspaper El Pais, honored with national and international awards. However, despite the contributions made by these teachers, and the 25 works produced in television journalism classes first, several of which were broadcast by Telepacífico, and great photography exhibition with works by his students organized for the second and housed for two months by the Departmental Library.
This way, it hurts the education of students, shattering the experience developed in the Emphasis in Journalism, from whose womb were born so many communities now recognized in many different scenarios, and, worst of all, it squandered the opportunity to consolidate Profile of journalist Santiago: a critical humanist, seasoned and competent.
What is in motion is an act of censorship by journalism and the army taught at the University, and a criminal prosecution in the Law 1010, 2006, Workplace Harassment, the Faculty Policy Social Communication at USC now support the Agreement of 21 December 2010.
Based on the foregoing, I request the Board and the Claims Commission Siprusaca his decisive intervention to respect my rights at work and does not affect my dire situation more staff, further deterioration affects my family stability and goes against my dignity.
Balloon Table Decorations
3. Analysis. The political situation in 2011
Poverty grows. A revealing, among hundreds, the evidence: in Cali, according to information Sisben, 85% of the population lives in poverty. Under such conditions, can the labor movement and popular pandering to the politics of social narcotic developed by Santos and former leftist mediocrity?
By Luis Alfonso Mena S. (*)
is clear that the ruling elites in Colombia will not cede easily to the demands of true social democracy, not merely rhetoric, and that 2011 will be a year of intense struggle staged from different arenas of action working and popular.
apparently conciliatory style implemented by President Juan Manuel Santos, different in form to despotism practiced by Alvaro Uribe, has created false expectations in social and political sectors, including several of the center-left liberalism, and is looming as a paralyzing narcotic and misleading.
social crisis affecting the country, aggravated by the winter disaster that left two million homeless and created a new form of population movement, led Santos to rise 0.6% more in wages minimum decreed by his government on December 30, 2010.
Thus, in a few days the increase went from 3.4% to 4%, a figure Pyrrhic against the cost of real life (which goes beyond the official rates of inflation) and anxiety that people customarily supports, which would require an amount greater than 12% proposed by labor unions in the so-called round table.
table "agreement" which, incidentally, is just filling a requirement by the government in power to stand as mediator between employers and workers, when in fact it is teammate owners capital and will always tend to favor.
is the old trick of liberal-bourgeois governments, displayed in the center of the disputes between the fundamental classes of society, creating the perception of "neutrality" in the impoverished human conglomerates to turn out to favor those who really represents.
exposed to the objections to the measure by the ombudsmen of the guilds of oligopolies (Andi, Fenalco, SAC, Asobancaria, Fedesarrollo), which, greedy, wanted a smaller increase, remain calm: Santos is the President and should not affect the intrigue in which he appeared as the representative sensitive to people's interests.
The Roundtable is a farce to which the labor unions should not attend the end of this year, because she never left at least decisions that serve to mend rattan basket of workers and the employers eventually delegated to the government enact the minimum wage for them.
The pair-Gómez Garzón
course this time the meeting was a new element: the double attitude of the second president of the country's labor union, the CGT , who is leaving for his big eyes the desire to be appointed Minister of Labour as soon as legal reform occur this portfolio demarcation of Social Protection created by Uribe.
Julio Roberto Gomez is now the joker of unionism in government Santos, and is projected as the second board of the school policy of reconciliation led by his inspiration, Vice Angelino Garzon, a former labor leader in the service of the Colombian oligarchy .
lip service, Gomez criticized by 3.4%, but as soon Santos declared a 4% increase substantially as we have said nothing, but symbolic demagogically appeared immediately to take chest gain indulgences with the rosary to be your employer who is running soon in the Palacio de Nariño.
-Gómez Garzón The duo is part of the tactics of Santos to apply its soporific the labor movement and popular for co-opting more drowsy and go places that will definitely neutralize and submit it to accept the crumbs which fan the ruling class.
What will they say of labor disputes in progress in areas of the economy as important as coal, food, health and education, among others?
Workers should be alert to the dual game the new champions of the settlement, which basically seek to lead them to surrender their class interests and to provide its submission on the part of large national and transnational business.
What they have said and Santos, for example, compared to the protracted conflict in the multinational Kraft Foods Colombia, where, moreover, were arbitrarily dismissed over 400 of its workers on the pretext of the rainy season in Valle del Cauca
Or about the demands of the workers of the mining complex Cerrejon, made in the statement of requests that the company refuses to respond on key issues?
Or about the claims of the National Workers Association of Hospitals and Clinics, Anthoc against the new health reform passed by Congress and designed to nurture more profits from the multimillion-dollar business EPS?
Or about the requirements to redeem the offer to end the workers' cooperatives, which have become harmful impoverishment mechanisms of wages?
Or about the claims against labor reforms contained in Act 789 of 2002, which depletes the workers and took away overtime, reduced payments for working on Sundays and compensation for unfair dismissal?
Or on the growth of unemployment, which, according to figures from the Economic Commission for Latin America, ECLAC, and exceeded 13% and puts the country as the leader in the field around the subcontinent?
Grow depths
The percentage increase in the minimum wage, plus insufficient, it was not even a starter altruistic saints. It was simply the need to temper it, as required by law, the inflation figures the government and employers believed would be below 3%, but reached 3.17% in 2010.
Can a family to live decently with 535,600 in Colombia? Definitely not. In fact, the increase has already been absorbed by soaring increases in gasoline prices, the commodity basket, services, education ...
But the wage and cost of life are only two the multiplicity of issues affecting the bulk of the population.
After eight years of Uribe in the country deepened the abyss between rich and poor, social inequality has grown and today Colombia is one of the countries with the highest rates inequality in the Americas.
One of the core issues of national problems, the internal armed conflict remains unresolved, latent, as the strategic line of Santos Uribe is the same: the protracted war.
Nothing other than Uribe, but many are deluding themselves with the "breadth" mediator Garzón, for what it was on the left ...
But that history no longer seems valid, as many former revolutionary leaders came to the camp of reformism or openly, to the right and comfy now with the new environment they attribute to Santos.
Meanwhile, poverty grows. A revealing, among hundreds, the evidence: in Cali, according to the latest survey conducted in the framework of Sisben, 85% of the population lives in poverty.
Broken down, the figure shows that 42% of the 2,260,000 people living in the city is located in strata one and two, while 43% it is in the stratum three.
Most of the remaining 15% are located in strata four and five, the middle layer, and a tiny minority is in the extra six and six layers, of the rich.
such scenario, can the labor movement and popular pandering to the politics of social narcotic developed by Santos and Former leftist mediocrity?
The answer is clear, but the numbing effects of losing their effects take time.
(*) Director of the online magazine journalism Free!
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4. Analysis. Comparison of two cities
violence in Juarez and Cali
Since 1991, homicides in Cali do not go below 1,400 per year, with times of more than 2,000 dead, between 1993 and 1996 peak period of the heyday of the Cali cartel, later, over 2,000 again in 2004, almost 2,000 deaths in 2009 and 1,800 in 2010. Meanwhile, the local government hiding the seriousness of the figures with the invention of the "muertología."
By Alberto Ramos G. (*)
During 2010, almost all violent deaths in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, are due to drug trafficking. The figure is appalling 3,000 people riddled, while in Cali, where they cross several violence on a daily basis, the figure for 2010 exceeded the 1,800 deaths, and because of the drug have a significant percentage, 30%.
If production is legalized, Cali would prevent over 540 deaths per year. Not counting deaths and assaults carried out as a result of the "drug culture", which returned to the people who are associated with this phenomenon in people arrogant, intransigent and intolerant, with a machismo overloaded, compounding the urban violence.
Crime in Ciudad Juarez has grown since 2007 alone, 300 dead rose to 1,500 homicides in 2008, then 2,650 in 2009 and reached 3,000 murders in 2010. While in Cali since 1991 not lower than 1,400 homicides a year, with times of more than 2,000 dead, and between 1993 and 1996, peak period of the heyday of the Cali cartel, later, over 2,000 again in 2004 almost 2,000 deaths in 2009 and 1,800 in 2010.
Cali is the seventh most violent city in Latin America, taking the average of homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, after Juarez, Caracas, San Salvador, Tijuana, Sao Paulo and Medellin.
Ciudad Juarez, a city of 1.3 million inhabitants, is the most violent in Mexico and Latin America, is the urban scene of war between cartels because there are criminal gangs vie for control of territory the passage of narcotics into the U.S..
geographical location, to be adjacent to El Paso, Texas, makes a city coveted strategic location for drug traffickers and transport of coca. Are attacked several times during his holiday surprise teenagers or in rehabilitation centers, the extermination of boys appears to be a way to charge gang activities or to warn and threaten others.
The city is a theater of war with raids and continuing attacks. Unarmed, defenseless young people who die without knowing why, confusion prevails and the overall rating of troubled relationships without being stigmatized often actors and accomplices of any party.
Urban warfare in Mexico that comes from illegal drugs and bleeding causing a national from Mexico in 2006: more than 25,000 crimes. Only in 2009 recorded 7,720 deaths from drug trafficking. A war between drug cartels which is explained by the disputed territory and access routes for the export of narcotics to the U.S.
Eight posters
The war Mexico is an amorphous, ruthless and has two modes: 1) War posters, 2) engagement of the posters with the security forces refined. In Juarez cartel was born in that city and they have seat Gulf cartel operations and the Zetas (recently separated), the Sinaloa cartel, that of the Blacks, the group of the Beltran Leyva cartel more siblings Arellano Family Tijuana and Michoacan.
is not a civil war between the insurgents against the security forces. It is presenting the confrontation between drug cartels against the state, is a challenge of armed groups without political ideology against the authorities who had previously managed to corrupt, and against a declaration to combat drug traffickers, plus the police clearance. To be pursued seriously confront the state to "respect" the business of the mafia. In the last phase have turned to terrorism to terrorize, destroy and not to fight. President Calderon is running out of time to achieve their government without reducing the narcos.
terrorism and narco-mafia they began to use the posters to confront the government with more "comfort", ie to the extent that the Mexican armed forces act together and are being "sanitized" fences against cartels can narrow then come to the right-wing terrorism or white to create panic, uncontrolled by the central government, expand the panic and destabilize the institutions to be recomposed.
Although the Attorney General, Arturo Chavez refused to believe in the enthronement of terrorism, Samuel Gonzalez, former head of the Crime Unit Organized an I, said the attack in Juárez of July 15, 2010 was marked clearly by the narco.
"The use of a car bomb to carry out the attack means that drug dealers have raised the level of violence. Is to raise the level, people panic. So it is a terrorist act, because they could be killed with a grenade launcher, AK-47 weapons, but no. They want the image of the car bomb exploding on television, "he said.
Javier Oliva Posada, a specialist in national security, found that in recent years drug traffickers had carried out terrorist tactics, such as granadazos of September 15, 2008 in Morelia and Rodolfo Torre Cantú crime in Tamaulipas. But from their point of view, of Ciudad Juarez is new for the explosive and knowledgeable people in their management (
In Mexico, the Federal Penal Code states that commits the crime of terrorism that "using toxic substances, chemical, biological or similar radioactive material or instruments that emit radiation, explosives or firearms, or by fire, flood or any other violent acts carried out against individuals, things or utilities, which produce alarm, fear or terror in the population or in a group or sector of it, to undermine national security or to pressure the authority to make a determination. "
The Terrorism is running not only against defenseless civilians, also depending on the bombing is terrorism attack or explosion of a police garrison, because there is no fighting, no warning, no fighting characteristics. In Torreon, Monterrey, Ciudad Juárez and elsewhere have been attacks and car bombs, grenades also have targeted civil society, that is the narco-terrorism that is in northern Mexico as a narco-state.
"It will be recalled that the experience" terrorist "in Mexico has not had an important event in Spain, Ireland, Israel or Colombia. Since the 70 insurgent groups attacking officials or employers, without them having the size of a terrorist act. Importantly, in the second half of the 80, with President Miguel de la Madrid, during the traditional parade of May workers facing the National Palace, a worker threw a Molotov cocktail into the presidential box without registering a significant impact. Already in the 90, the armed movements like the EZLN, with positions indigenous rights, puts them in a position other than historical guerrillas in Latin America. In this decade of the nineties, the drug gangs resorted to some unorthodox methods to intimidate police officers, such as quitting without activating grenades in the garage of their home "(Gaitán and Fregoso, 2002).
In Rio de Janeiro, with an estimated population of 6.3 million inhabitants, there is also an urban war of gangs linked to drug trafficking against the police, now in coalition through Peacekeeping Police Units, UPP . In the year 2010 local authorities had to request reinforcements to the central government to contain crime in the favelas, especially in areas of Rocinha, the Vila Cruzeiro Complex and German. The raging of violence is explained as a reaction to the persecution and the fear that they disrupt the drug business.
"Drug dealers replaced the State and benefactors were erected in the population, offering services like electricity, gas or cable television and popular organizing festivities, which come armed with pistols and rifles to show their power . The drama of the favelas was portrayed by successful films like City of God (2002), Fernando Meirelles, or Tropa de Elite (2007), Jose Padilha, won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival and has just released its second part. "(
In Cali, the "muertología"
Government In Cali common criminal gangs are proliferating out of control. The theft in its various forms are anxious to citizens, with street robberies, attacks on the residences, banks, jewelry stores, companies conveyor of values, etc.
interpersonal Fights and domestic violence casualties accretes. But the violence generated by the activity of micro-trafficking minicarteles expands, taking to the streets as the setting for revenge and executions for non-compliance. Without going to war Medellin gang, or gangs prevalent in San Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, or the clash of Juarez mafia in Cali this activity persists that shook the country in the early 80's. The question that arises is: What will be effective for the 2011 National Policy on urban safety?, Because the measures the mayor failed.
In Cali, the officials of the Department of Government, for several years, unable to stop the violence with a serious and effective criminal policy, they invented a variable amorphous violentology the muertología, in the absence of rigorous applications to understand epidemiology of violence. The muertología is a perverse technique of counting and discounting dead to prove by month, quarter, semester or each year, according to the time the report is submitted, an "improved security" highlighting a number of fewer deaths in one or other period.
The muertología, I could infer, has four forms of illusion, deception and deadly palmistry playing with the numbers:
1) not collect or cross information with record numbers of corpses that the Attorney General Office, Legal Medicine (the morgue), the National Police. So the data do not agree with those of CISALVA, which does add up all sources of information.
2) Remove or subtract killed in significant dates: the day of the mother, father, during the Feria de Cali, 24 or 31 December, and so on.
3) Discard some dead because the person was injured from some of the metropolitan area. This, here narrating the dispute over the fret and rally of bodies from Yumbo or Jamundí marrullas of the security forces to show every major desencartándose effectiveness of anonymous corpses or NN.
4) not tell the survivors of the attacks because they died instantly, there was no removal of the body, but dies later. That victim is on the list of personal injury. This could be verified by comparing the lists in hospitals and health centers, and across the figures with street robberies, theft of homes, cars, motorcycles, etc..
Cali, with 1,813 dead, 2010, 2,152 stolen cars, the 3040 bikes, 7,945 complaints from citizens, not to mention other crimes, is the second most violent city in Colombia and the seventh of America America.
Cali, without an urban war like Juarez and Tijuana in Mexico, or such as Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with cartels, gangs and drug gangs, recorded almost half of total civilian deaths including all cities within a country as Iraq, occupied by foreign troops at war, with fighting between clans, ethnic groups and in full international terrorism, reported 3,976 civilian deaths during 2010.
(*) Master's Degree in Political Science, Universidad Javeriana. author of International Terrorism and the New World Order, member Gicpoderi research group of the Universidad Santiago de Cali, USC.
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