Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do Sharks Deserve Their Reputation?

1. Analysis. Sale of 21.5% in the time / chair

In Santiago, teachers
pay the piper

Santiago The fine china broke. Do not just paste your pieces. Those responsible must be unmasked quebrazón. The Santiago urges renewal but really, not just a change for business as usual. circles were generated clienteles might be called "academic", in which small or large powers passed on the rights of teachers and employees of different levels and ignore merit and achievements and impose their decisions, anything to keep control without dissent. Required academic and administrative reform.

By Luis Alfonso Mena S. (*)
As they say the old, the string is broken by the weaker side.

No proverb
more relevant to summarize what is happening in Santiago de Cali University, USC, concerning the search for solutions to the deep financial crisis, government administrative and shaking the institution.

One of the measures agreed between committees of the Directors of the USC and the Union of Alma Mater was lower by 21.5% in teachers' pay linked in Time / chair, which is a high percentage of the institution.

Thus, the time / chair went from $ 39,247 in 2010 to $ 30,800 in 2011. Besides, for three years after they agreed to never return slight increases in value when the amount of 2010.

The agreement, signed on December 21, 2012 states that the time / Chair will be paid to 31,800, in 2013, $ 32,800, and in 2014, to $ 34,000.

With this decision, including alongside other measures of adjustment seeks to address the high economic deficit of the institution.

The trouble is that the solution lies on the shoulders of most teachers, who are time / chair, as if they were responsible for the crisis. In this way, end up paying them other broke dishes.

In fact, the responsibility for the crisis lies elsewhere, who are just beginning to surface, including the administrative disheveled, patronage internal politicking and bleeding with recruitment works services and other areas.

For example, an audit report on the graduate school of the institution makes major revelations and shows not only the existence of a costly payroll with millionaire executive salaries, but some university leaders charging by separate annual fee of $ 20 million and $ 59 million in Master and specializations.

I found in the Audit Report to the Graduate Programs hateful showed a gap between a small group of executives with millions in fees and allowances and the rest, the vast majority who must fight, semester to semester, the allocation of courses to complete a minimum income.

But this is just one case among many. While it affects the salary of teachers in special contract or time / chair, which, again, are mostly of a list of over a thousand teachers, creating additional positions of heads of departments, agencies product of a recent reform.

They have the same functions of the directors of programs, positions, however, still exist in parallel, in a typical example of administrative disorder that costs a lot of money.

At the current juncture, the status of teachers is exacerbated further by the lack of social security that has confounded, as USC does not pay on time to the EPS, a circumstance which results in neglect and health risks and life for teachers and their families.

himself delay occurs in other areas, such as pensions, although the percentages for teachers are deducted from the allowances paid to them.

Teachers also agree with what was agreed in the Collective Bargaining Agreement in July 2010 but no longer receive a premium extra-legal, rather than two, which is another contribution of teachers in attempts to solve the institutional crisis.

City Heritage
The Cali is a sui generis college, because although no state-owned, not owned a typical empire, those in which higher education is a business that pays off a group of capitalists.

supposed to Santiago in the output of it is destined for redistribution in their academic development with an emphasis on scientific research, improvement of infrastructure and the welfare of one of its vital nerves, teachers.

She is a wealth of Cali that has helped train hundreds of thousands of people from low and middle strata around the Valle del Cauca, which highlights its social and individual characteristics which makes it subject to a greater collective control.

because I remember the above comments of some who believe that the problems of the institution should not be made public, believing that it hurts worse and the stigmas that affect it.

also argue that there is equal control over the other universities in the city, all without problems and the presence of irregularities and exclusions, as we have said on different scenarios.

However, the problems are not solved by plugging or watching the evils of neighbors much less in an institution such as the Santiago, with a larger budget than most municipalities in the Valley.

Especially because, as often happens when we refer to public resources, government, the Santiago is one, but at the same time no one, and this has created historically ambitions of newcomers and unscrupulous groups.

These have happened, have changed their names and dress, but have been there, making the institution as a modus vivendi, taking it as his property.

The clients "Academic"
why did recently run a phrase in the sense that James was driving "like a family," but not a large family, but opportunistic group that is woven to usufruct patronage networks at will, to gouge and take it to the brink of bankruptcy.

And in this environment also emerged all kinds of powers that fractionated into fiefdoms and plots the University to talk about that to this or that person is due for this or that space.

This is no stranger either to faculties, departments and other units in the that there are powers that feel all-embracing and unchanging, who defend their land as a result, require, pushed around and commit injustices.

These small or great powers spend on the rights of teachers and employees of different levels and ignore merit and achievements, dictate their decisions, all in order to maintain permanent control without dissent.

Thus, we have generated clienteles circles might be called "academic", in which beneficiaries must pay tribute to their leaders to ensure the renewal of contracts and not fall out of favor with their bosses.

So today is an ongoing debate on mechanisms to address the crisis that involves all levels of the institution within which debate questions download the effects of that crisis and its resolution on the shoulders of the weakest: the base professorial staff and workers and mid-range and low minimum wage, as has happened.

is not expected that the University has to close for "all matching", as some say, but you can easily consult the file in the "everyone does" are the hours teachers / professor who pay the most expensive pieces of crockery.
Among other things, we cut the salaries of workers labor law violation in Colombia and, especially, because many of those responsible for the disheveled continue as if nothing had happened.

latent Questions
are many questions which are to be resolved. The investigation of the causes of the crisis should be a priority, because not enough adjustments, grips, so that, as has happened on other occasions, the savings are again squandering and the crisis continues.

How much was, indeed, the reform of the frontispiece of the university? How much, the news that created the USC and went off the air? How the million dollar government advertising and the payment of "advisors"? How much, election bodies "co-government"? How the functioning of the Superior Council oversized?

How much did the many celebrations for 50 years and other holidays? How much, graduate school and its roster of directors and expensive fees? How much, air conditioners installed hoary in the building of Social Communication? ...

The questions are many more and in any case, it seems that the answer was in the professorial base, which now charges the bill.

The debate, unlike what they believe the old and recent supporters of "rayon and replace" is just beginning. Welcome. The reorganization of the University required.

problems are not fixed by plugging them and saying, as some: "When you do not like this, let him go." No gentlemen, this does not solve the problems USC.

The Supreme Council and other agencies should also be called cogobierno renovated and democratized, to fulfill their role and are not simply appendages of power.

His ineffectiveness in that serve as arenas of democratic debate and controversy is part of the origins of the crisis.

The discussion continues
student organizations, the Union of Teachers, the University Senate, cooperatives and similar agencies, newspapers and other media of expression circulating within the institution must have unrestricted access to all information about what happened, disseminate and promote discussion.

real democracy beyond formalities and propaganda, it must break through. It is time to decide, and she should be disseminated without censorship.

If Santiago is the heritage of the city, we are all interested and society must know what she is going. At Cali is accountable.

Santiago The fine china broke. Do not just paste your pieces. Those responsible for quebrazón should be unmasked.

The Santiago urges renewal, but renewal of truth, not just a change for business as usual.

In the hands of teachers, students and workers is their destiny.

(*) Professor of USC, director of the online magazine journalism Free! Parentheses and the campus newspaper.


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