Poverty grows. A revealing, among hundreds, the evidence: in Cali, according to information Sisben, 85% of the population lives in poverty. Under such conditions, can the labor movement and popular pandering to the politics of social narcotic developed by Santos and former leftist mediocrity?
By Luis Alfonso Mena S. (*)
is clear that the ruling elites in Colombia will not cede easily to the demands of true social democracy, not merely rhetoric, and that 2011 will be a year of intense struggle staged from different arenas of action working and popular.
apparently conciliatory style implemented by President Juan Manuel Santos, different in form to despotism practiced by Alvaro Uribe, has created false expectations in social and political sectors, including several of the center-left liberalism, and is looming as a paralyzing narcotic and misleading.
social crisis affecting the country, aggravated by the winter disaster that left two million homeless and created a new form of population movement, led Santos to rise 0.6% more in wages minimum decreed by his government on December 30, 2010.
Thus, in a few days the increase went from 3.4% to 4%, a figure Pyrrhic against the cost of real life (which goes beyond the official rates of inflation) and anxiety that people customarily supports, which would require an amount greater than 12% proposed by labor unions in the so-called round table.
table "agreement" which, incidentally, is just filling a requirement by the government in power to stand as mediator between employers and workers, when in fact it is teammate owners capital and will always tend to favor.
is the old trick of liberal-bourgeois governments, displayed in the center of the disputes between the fundamental classes of society, creating the perception of "neutrality" in the impoverished human conglomerates to turn out to favor those who really represents.
exposed to the objections to the measure by the ombudsmen of the guilds of oligopolies (Andi, Fenalco, SAC, Asobancaria, Fedesarrollo), which, greedy, wanted a smaller increase, remain calm: Santos is the President and should not affect the intrigue in which he appeared as the representative sensitive to people's interests.
The Roundtable is a farce to which the labor unions should not attend the end of this year, because she never left at least decisions that serve to mend rattan basket of workers and the employers eventually delegated to the government enact the minimum wage for them.
The pair-Gómez Garzón
course this time the meeting was a new element: the double attitude of the second president of the country's labor union, the CGT , who is leaving for his big eyes the desire to be appointed Minister of Labour as soon as legal reform occur this portfolio demarcation of Social Protection created by Uribe.
Julio Roberto Gomez is now the joker of unionism in government Santos, and is projected as the second board of the school policy of reconciliation led by his inspiration, Vice Angelino Garzon, a former labor leader in the service of the Colombian oligarchy .
lip service, Gomez criticized by 3.4%, but as soon Santos declared a 4% increase substantially as we have said nothing, but symbolic demagogically appeared immediately to take chest gain indulgences with the rosary to be your employer who is running soon in the Palacio de Nariño.
-Gómez Garzón The duo is part of the tactics of Santos to apply its soporific the labor movement and popular for co-opting more drowsy and go places that will definitely neutralize and submit it to accept the crumbs which fan the ruling class.
What will they say of labor disputes in progress in areas of the economy as important as coal, food, health and education, among others?
Workers should be alert to the dual game the new champions of the settlement, which basically seek to lead them to surrender their class interests and to provide its submission on the part of large national and transnational business.
What they have said and Santos, for example, compared to the protracted conflict in the multinational Kraft Foods Colombia, where, moreover, were arbitrarily dismissed over 400 of its workers on the pretext of the rainy season in Valle del Cauca
Or about the demands of the workers of the mining complex Cerrejon, made in the statement of requests that the company refuses to respond on key issues?
Or about the claims of the National Workers Association of Hospitals and Clinics, Anthoc against the new health reform passed by Congress and designed to nurture more profits from the multimillion-dollar business EPS?
Or about the requirements to redeem the offer to end the workers' cooperatives, which have become harmful impoverishment mechanisms of wages?
Or about the claims against labor reforms contained in Act 789 of 2002, which depletes the workers and took away overtime, reduced payments for working on Sundays and compensation for unfair dismissal?
Or on the growth of unemployment, which, according to figures from the Economic Commission for Latin America, ECLAC, and exceeded 13% and puts the country as the leader in the field around the subcontinent?
Grow depths
The percentage increase in the minimum wage, plus insufficient, it was not even a starter altruistic saints. It was simply the need to temper it, as required by law, the inflation figures the government and employers believed would be below 3%, but reached 3.17% in 2010.
Can a family to live decently with 535,600 in Colombia? Definitely not. In fact, the increase has already been absorbed by soaring increases in gasoline prices, the commodity basket, services, education ...
But the wage and cost of life are only two the multiplicity of issues affecting the bulk of the population.
After eight years of Uribe in the country deepened the abyss between rich and poor, social inequality has grown and today Colombia is one of the countries with the highest rates inequality in the Americas.
One of the core issues of national problems, the internal armed conflict remains unresolved, latent, as the strategic line of Santos Uribe is the same: the protracted war.
Nothing other than Uribe, but many are deluding themselves with the "breadth" mediator Garzón, for what it was on the left ...
But that history no longer seems valid, as many former revolutionary leaders came to the camp of reformism or openly, to the right and comfy now with the new environment they attribute to Santos.
Meanwhile, poverty grows. A revealing, among hundreds, the evidence: in Cali, according to the latest survey conducted in the framework of Sisben, 85% of the population lives in poverty.
Broken down, the figure shows that 42% of the 2,260,000 people living in the city is located in strata one and two, while 43% it is in the stratum three.
Most of the remaining 15% are located in strata four and five, the middle layer, and a tiny minority is in the extra six and six layers, of the rich.
such scenario, can the labor movement and popular pandering to the politics of social narcotic developed by Santos and Former leftist mediocrity?
The answer is clear, but the numbing effects of losing their effects take time.
(*) Director of the online magazine journalism Free!
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