Sunday, January 23, 2011

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6. Report. Dismal record in 2010

Killed 40 Journalists in
six Latin American countries

Forty six-nation Latin American journalists lost their lives in 2010 by implementing various forms of violence, according to the annual report by the Commission of Inquiry into Violations of Journalists assigned to the Latin American Federation of Journalists, CIAP-Felap, an organization that in 2009 recorded the murder of 32 professionals in eight countries in the region.

affected countries in 2010 were Brazil with two deaths, Colombia with seven Ecuador with two, Guatemala with two, Honduras with 10 and Mexico 17.

For years the American geographical area is providing the largest number of journalists as professional eliminated, when compared to the rest of the world. Simultaneously it is found that the largest number of murders has occurred in Colombia and Mexico and have been executed by armed units of the cartels who run the drug trade in those states, while there is apparent impunity and all crimes cases against the workers of the news.

However, from another angle highlights the situation in Honduras, where the crimes have a political tone and the number of victims in contrast to the smallness of the country and its people.

Ernesto Carmona, executive secretary CIAP, said last November that was presented to the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights United Nations to investigate especially the disrespect for human rights in that Central American nation. The petitioner was the Exchange Network International Freedom of Expression in Latin America and the Caribbean, Ifex-ALC.

turn, in dispatch from Tegucigalpa, the journalist Thelma Mejía IPS agency said, referring to the murders of journalists that "national and international organizations have complained that under President Porfirio Lobo no has stopped the wave of repression against the movement against the coup and that extends to the press. " In fact, all killings of journalists cover the period of the current president Lobo.

In Mexico, which unfortunately continues to be the nation's record for journalists Finally, efforts in the complaint and the action of the Federation of Journalists (Fapermex) have been found with the ineffectiveness of the authorities for the purposes of, even, to find the criminals. (See Report Ciapa 2009).

Here is a list of victims and countries in alphabetical order. In some cases there are no details, but these sources are reliable.

-Clovis Aguilar Silva (TV Capital)
Madeiro-Francisco Gomez (Radio Caico AM)

-Barbosa José Carlos Leon (TV Ocaña)
-Ospina Clodomiro Castilla (La Voz de Monteria)
Mauricio Medina-Moreno (Crit 98 FM Stereo)
-Arsenio Zambrano Ocampo (Photojournalist)
-Victor Julio Sanchez (The Extra)
-Oscar Rubio Cárdenas (The Motherland)
Aricapa , Maya Rudolph (Community Radio Payumat)

-Jorge Santana Carbonel (Weekly Tribune)
Mayra Aguilar-Duenas (Miracle City TV)

-Victor Hugo Juarez (Wanin News)
- Aníbal Archilla, killed during mission dangerous volcanic eruption

-Joseph A. Hernández Ochoa, shot on March 1, 2010 (Channel 51).
-David Meza, was shot on 11 March (Radio America).
-Nahum Palacios, killed in Tocoa, 14 March.
-Mairena Jose Bayardo, shot in Olancho, 21 March.
Georgino -Orellana, 21 May, in San Pedro Sula.
-Manuel Juarez, who was killed along with Bayard, on 21 March.
-Luis Arturo Mondragon, shot on 13 June.
Chévez -Luis Hernández, in April.
-Israel Díaz Zelaya, shot on 15 August.
Asfura -Nicolas, in February.

-Valentin Valdes Espinoza, 8 January 2010.
-José Luis Romero, her body was found on 18 January.
-Evaristo Pacheco Solis, on 5 March.
Rábado -Jorge Valdez, 14 March.
Villicaña -Henry, on 1 April.
-Jorge Ochoa Martínez, 24 January.
Maria Isabel Cordero-Martinez, undated.
Well -Miguel Angel Mendez, 26 June.
-Francisco Rodriguez Rios, 28 June.
-María Elvira Hernandez, wife of above, June 28.
-Hugo Olivera Letters, July 6.
-Marco Aurelio Martinez, in July.
-Alcaraz Guillermo Trejo, in July.
-Luis Carlos Santiago, 16.09.1910.
-Juan Francisco García Márquez, on 4 October.
-José Núñez Sarabia, on 4 October.
-Carlos Alberto Guajardo, 15 November.

In 2010 there was, as usual in Latin America, numerous physical attacks strings of beads to remove the journalistic tasks and practice of freedom of expression.

In Mexico, for example, gunmen fired 25 shots in the newspaper El Sur de Acapulco, Avenida Miguel German city's main street. On 10 January in Culiacan, Sonora, torched a vehicle in front of the station facilities OIR with the purpose of calling attention to a threatening message that allowed the authors.

On 10 August, the Mexican Federal Police rescued the cameramen and Alejandro Javier Canales, Multimedia TV and Televisa, respectively. Both had been kidnapped by drug dealers five days earlier.

In Argentina, the Union of Press Workers of Buenos Aires, UTPBA condemned the Nov. 18 assassination attempt on the same day by the New Generation FM community radio station in the town of San Martín. The assailants took the transmission equipment, consoles and other items that kept aired. The statement was signed by Lydia UTPBA Fagales, general secretary of UTPBA.

In Chile, the Association of Journalists denounced as an attack on freedom of expression, the lawsuit filed against the photojournalist Marcelo Garay, accused of infringing a law that punishes those who disseminate images of places that are considered private. The agency called for the repeal of such absurd provision.

In Brazil, in late November 2010 was captured Elizeu Felicio de Souza, confessed murderer of journalist Tim Lopes (Canal Globo) perpetrated in 2002 with cruelty. The criminal had been sentenced to 23 years in prison and was a fugitive.

In the U.S., during the show mounted in June 2010 with the arrest of ten alleged "Russian spy" was captured a Peruvian journalist Vicky Pelaez, writing in the newspaper La Prensa, edited in Castilian in New York.

In Guatemala, Julio Solórzano Foppa in November 2010 filed a judicial review of "habeas corpus" in behalf of his mother Alaide Foppa, Guatemalan poet and journalist. She is listed as missing since December 1980 when it was illegally detained by police along with his driver, Leocadio Axtún, also disappeared. Alaide had returned to his homeland to find out about the murder of their children Juan Pablo and Mario Solórzano Foppa, also occurred in 1980.

In Havana and Buenos Aires, the Union of Journalists of Cuba, UPEC, and Felap issued on October 20, 2010 a Joint Declaration condemns the criminal attack which means the illegal and brutal blockade United States against Cuba.

argues that document: "The Cuban people have suffered the longest and criminal lock in world history. Ten U.S. administrations have sought to give in and give the Cuban people in their decision to self-determination and advance the gains achieved in building a decent and just society. "

Ends: "The just causes which have space in the world. Of Cuba, its people, its journalists, will end sooner rather than later. "

(*) Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into Violations of Journalists, CIAP, attached to the Latin American Federation Journalists, Felap. The text was originally published in


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